Email templates

Application Received Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Still Interviewing Other Candidates Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Second Interview Invitation Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Interview Schedule Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Interview Confirmation Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Interview Reschedule Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Rejection Letter for Internal Candidate
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Sample Email to Potential Candidate
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Offer Letter
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Welcome to the Team
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
New Employee Announcement
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Layoff Letter
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Rejection Letter
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Cancel Interview Email
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
Passive Candidate Email Template
Jul 24 · Olivia Powell · Recruiting expert
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