Interview Reschedule Email
Template 1
Subject: Change in Schedule of [[Job Title]] Interview
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
the best candidates faster

Thank you for your interest in the position of [[Job Title]] at our company. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to cancel the interview that was scheduled for you on [[Date]] at [[Time]] due to [[Brief Reason]]. We would like to reschedule your interview for any of the following slots:
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
Kindly confirm your availability with an acknowledgement to this email. In case the above dates are not suitable, please let us know your preferred date and time.
I apologize for the inconvenience, and look forward to your interview again.
Thank you.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 2
Subject: Interview with [[Company Name]]: New date / Rescheduling interview for the [[Job Title]] position
Hi [[Candidate Name]] / Dear [[Candidate Name]],
I’d like to inform you that, unfortunately, we need to reschedule our interview for the [[Job Title]] position that we had arranged for [[Date and Time]].
[[Briefly mention why you’re rescheduling, e.g. Due to unexpected family obligations, our hiring manager [[Hiring Manager Name]] won’t be available at that day]].
Could we reschedule for [[New Date and Time]]? Let me know if that works for you or if you would prefer another date or time this week.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 3
Subject: Rescheduling of interview / Request to reschedule the interview
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
This email is to inform you about the rescheduling of your interview on [[Date]] for [[Job Title]]. Unfortunately, our hiring manager has to go out of town for urgent meetings and discussions, and this is why we have to reschedule the interview for all other profiles as well.
Please communicate your availability in next week as per I can reschedule your interview. I am hopeful we can connect soon. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Looking forward to meeting you and discuss the role.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 4
Subject: [[Job Title]] – Interview Invitation (Change in Schedule)
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for your interest in joining the [[Company Name]] as [[Job Title]]. Unfortunately, we have to cancel the interview scheduled at [[Hour]] [[AM/PM]]. on [[Day, Month]] due to unforeseen schedule issues. Would it be possible to reschedule the interview for any of the following dates below?
[[Hour]] [[AM/PM]], [[Day, Month, Year]]
[[Hour]] [[AM/PM]], [[Day, Month, Year]]
Please send me a reply with a suitable date. If you are not available on any of these days, I will be open to your suggestions.
Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 5
Subject: interview on the [[Date and Time]] – [[Candidate Name]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Firstly thank you so much for scheduling an interview with me on the [[Date and Time]] at [[Place]] for [[Job Title]].
I very much look forward to meeting with you for the interview soon. However, I am very sorry, but I am hoping to reschedule.
Unfortunately, [[Insert reason here – keep it brief and professional, don’t go into too many details. i.e I have a family emergency and I will need to be at the hospital every day for the next week/few days]].
I would be very grateful if we could reschedule the interview. I will be available on [[Date and Time]] as well as [[Date and Time]]. OR I will be available again from the [[Date]].
Please do let me know if we can reschedule, and I’m happy to consider alternative dates and times if my suggestions above don’t work for you. I apologize again for the inconvenience of rescheduling, and thanks for considering my request.
I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you soon.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 6
Subject: Rescheduling your Interview at [[Company Name]] for the [[Job Title]] position
Dear [[Candidate Name]]/Hi [[Candidate Name]],
I’m writing to inform you that, unfortunately, we will need to reschedule our interview for the open [[Job Title]] position that we had set up for [[Date and Time of Interview, eg. August 29th at 11:15 AM]].
[[Briefly discuss why you need to reschedule, eg. Due to a serious family illness, our hiring manager [[Hiring Manager Name]] will be unavailable for some time.]]
[[Suggest a possible date and time for the interview, or let the candidate know when they will hear back from you, eg. As we are currently unaware when our hiring manager will be back to work, I am unable to suggest a possible date and time for your interview. We expect to hear back from her in the next few days, and I will reach out to you personally with the updated information so that we can select a date and time for you to come into the office.]]
Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay and any inconvenience. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via [[Phone/Email]].
Thank you for your patience,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 7
Subject: We missed you at your interview with [[Company Name]] / Interview for [[Job Title]] at [[Company Name]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Sorry we missed you for your interview [[an Interview at Our Offices / a Video Call]] today [[at X AM/PM]]. I hope everything is well.
Let me know if you’re still interested in the [[Job Title]] role, and we can reschedule the interview. If I don’t hear back, I’ll move onto other candidates.
Thank you,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 8
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]]/Hello [[Candidate Name]],
My name is [[Your Name]], and I am your hiring manager. This is to inform you that due to some unfortunate reasons, we will have to reschedule the interview for the position of the [[Job Title]] which we had scheduled on the [[Date]] at [[Time]].
[[It is always best if you give a brief reason as to why you are rescheduling the interview as it reassures the candidate that you are not cancelling the interview but are only changing it. Slip in an emergency reason]]
Is there a way to reschedule the interview on [[New Date and Time]]? Do confirm if the new time and date is to your convenience.
Sincere apologies,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 9
Subject: Rescheduling the interview for the [[Job Title]] position at [[Company Name]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]]/Dear [[Candidate Name]],
I am writing to let you know that unfortunately we will need to reschedule your interview for the [[Job Title]] position on [[Date and Time]].
Our hiring manager [[Hiring Manager Name]] has a scheduling conflict and will be unable to attend any interviews that week. We are doing our best to reschedule all interviews as soon as possible.
If you are still available, please reply to this email at your earliest convenience to let me know which of these dates and times works best for you.
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
[[Date]] – [[Time]]
We expect the interview to be approximately [[Length of Time, e.g. 20 Minutes]]. Please remember to bring [[Anything the Candidate May need to Bring, Such as a Portfolio, a Copy of Their Resume, or ID]].
If none of the above options are suitable for you, please let me know what your availability is for that week.
Thank you again for applying for the [[Job Title]] position at [[Company Name]]. If you have any questions at all about our hiring process, I’d be happy to discuss this with you on the phone. My contact information is below.
Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused you.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 10 – from Candidate to Hiring Manager
Subject: [[Your Name]] – Rescheduling Interview Question
Dear [[Hiring Manager Name]],
Would it be possible to reschedule the interview we had scheduled for the [[Job Title]] on [[Date and Time]]? Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend at that time. However, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to talk to you about the position.
I’m available on any other day and time this week, whenever it is most convenient for you.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
[[Your Name]]
[[Contact Information]]
the best candidates faster