Layoff Letter
Template 1
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
the best candidates faster

I regret to inform you that you are being laid off from your position as [[Position Name]] effective [[Date Layoff Goes into Effect]]. This layoff should be considered permanent.
A recent [[Restructuring, Economic Downturn, Buyout, etc.]] requires that [[Company Name]] lays off [[Number]] employees.
These layoffs are not related to individual performance.
You will receive [[Amount of Severance Pay]] and you will continue to receive [[Any Benefits they continue to Receive]] until [[Time at which Benefits End]].
The following company property must be returned by [[Return Date]]:
[[List Company Property to be Returned]]
Thank you for your contributions to the company. If you have any further questions, please get in contact with [[Contact Name]].
My best wishes for success in your future endeavors.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 2
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
Over the last several months, [[Company Name]] has experienced financial difficulties due to lack of work in our industry. We have explored many options, including [[Options]]. Unfortunately, our efforts have been unsuccessful, and we find that we must reduce our workforce to ensure the financial stability of the company.
After reviewing our options, we have concluded that we must eliminate approximately [[Amount]] positions. It is with deepest regret that I inform you that your position is one that will be eliminated effective [[Date]].
Within the next week, a representative from Human Resources will contact you to set up a meeting. During this meeting you will learn about available separation benefits, including the services of an outplacement firm to provide counseling and assistance in finding another job.
Please accept our appreciation for your contributions during your employment with [[Company Name]].
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 3
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
It is with regret that I inform you that you are being laid off from your position as [[Position Name]] effective [[Date Layoff Goes into Effect]]. Lack of funds necessitates this layoff. This layoff action is indefinite in duration and should be considered permanent.
I wish to assure you that your termination is not related to your job performance, but I do not anticipate this layoff situation changing in the foreseeable future. We appreciate your contribution to the [[Company Name]], and I regret sincerely that our current fiscal problems have required this notice.
My best wishes for success in your future endeavors.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 4
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
I’m sorry to inform you that as of [[Termination Date]], you’ll be no longer employed with [[Company Name]]. As discussed, we think this is the best decision, because of [[Reason for Termination]. [[This is the final step in our disciplinary process/a decision we made after the end of your Performance Improvement Plan launched on _date.]]
From [[Termination Date]] on, you won’t be eligible for any compensation or benefits associated with your position. Please return [[List Company Property to be Returned]] before [[Date]] to the Human Resources office.
You are entitled to your salary up until [[Termination Date]] and we’ll also compensate you for your remaining vacation days. We’ll also provide severance pay that will amount to [[Amount]]. [[You’ll receive a separate letter with the complete details of compensation or other related information you’re entitled to receive from us.]]
Please keep in mind that you have signed a non-compete, non-solicitation and non-disclosure agreement. If you have any information about our customers, employees or other stakeholders stored on paper or on your personal devices, you must delete it immediately.
If you have questions or clarifications, I’m at your disposal for up to [[Amount]] working days after your last day of employment.
We wish you best of luck.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 5
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
Over the last several months, [[Company Name]] has experienced financial difficulties due to lack of work in our industry. We have explored many options, including the introduction of new products to replace those made obsolete by technological advances. Unfortunately, our efforts have not resulted in increased sales and work.
After reviewing our options, we have concluded that we must eliminate approximately [[Amount]] positions. It is with deepest regret that I inform you that your position is one that will be eliminated effective [[Date]].
Within the next week, a representative from Human Resources will call you to set up a meeting. During this meeting you will learn about your separation benefits that include the services of an outplacement firm to provide counseling and assistance in finding another job.
Please accept our appreciation for your contributions during your employment with [[Company Name]].
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 6
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
As discussed in our meeting today, due to [[Reason]], our business has been impacted significantly. As a result, we’ve had to make some very difficult decisions. It is with a heavy heart that we made the decision to eliminate certain positions within the company.
This notice is to inform you that your position is included in our reduction of force. Your last day of employment will be [[Date]]. You will be eligible to file for unemployment benefits following your separation.
Your final paycheck will be issued to you by [[Date]], which will include all accrued but unused vacation and paid time off (if applicable) [[Amend Based on State Laws and Company Policies]].
Please keep us updated on any changes to your address or phone number. We deeply appreciate all your contributions to the company, and we wish you the best in your future endeavors. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the contact information below.
Thank you,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 7
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
[[Employee Name]],
This letter is to inform you that your employment with [[Company Name]] will end as of [[Date Termination is Effective]].
Your dismissal is due to the following reason(s):
[[List Factual and Detailed Reasons for Termination]]
This decision has been finalized.
You will receive: [[List Compensation and Benefits they Will Receive]]
Your health care benefits will [[Explanation of What Will Happen with Their Benefits Including Life Insurance]].
Your retirement benefits will [[Explanation of What Will Happen with Their Retirement Benefits Such as a 401k]].
You are requested to return [[List Company Property to be Returned]].
Also, please keep in mind that you have signed and agreed to [[List Agreements Employee Has Signed]].
If you have questions regarding your compensation, benefits, signed policies or returning of company property, please contact [[Name of Contact, Usually an HR Professional, and Contact Info]].
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 8
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
Unfortunately, economic conditions in the industry have resulted in slow sales. We decided to eliminate the [[Department Name]] department and all positions in it.
You will receive one week’s severance pay for each year that you have worked for [[Company Name]]. In your case, with [[Amount]] years of employment, you will receive [[Amount]] weeks of severance pay at your normal weekly salary. During this time period, we will continue to provide health insurance coverage.
Additionally, payment for your accrued PTO will be included in your final paycheck which you will receive on our regular payday, [[Day]]. You may pick up this check from the reception desk or we can mail it to your home. You will receive the severance payment once you have signed and returned the enclosed release of claims document.
You can expect a separate benefits status letter that will outline the status of your benefits upon termination. The letter will include information about your eligibility for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) continuation of group health coverage.
We have received from you: [[List Company Property to be Returned]] at the layoff meeting. You will need to keep the company informed of your contact information so that we are able to provide the information you may need in the future such as your W-2 form.
We want you to know that this layoff is not a statement about your work for [[Company Name]]. You have been a dedicated, contributing employee for [[Amount]] years. If you wish us to speak on your behalf to potential employers, please sign and return the enclosed form. It gives us your permission to discuss your employment with potential employers. Please let us know if we can assist you during your transition.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 9
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
This letter is to inform you that as of [[Date]], we will no longer require your services.
We've enjoyed working with [[Company Name]] but due to [[Reason]], we have decided to terminate our contract.
All outstanding deliverables should be completed before our contract is officially terminated. Please send us any pending invoices by [[Date]] so that we can clear any outstanding amounts by [[Date]].
Please note that as of [[Date]] you will no longer have access to [[Relevant Networks, Systems, etc.]].
Thank you for all your work over these [[Weeks/Months/Years]]. If you have any questions feel free to reach out at [[Phone]] or [[Email]].
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 10
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Employee Name]],
We regret to inform you that your employment with [[Company Name]] is being terminated, effective [[Date Termination is Effective]]. This decision cannot be changed.
We are terminating your employment for financial reasons. This action has nothing to do with your performance.
We kindly request that you return [[[List Company Property to be Returned]] by the end of the day today. You will receive your final paycheck and reimbursement for your [[Amount]] days of unused vacation time once we have received these items.
Out of appreciation for your service, we would like to offer you a severance check in the amount of $ [[Amount]]. You will receive your severance check upon signing and returning the enclosed release of claims document.
Your healthcare benefits will continue for the remainder of the calendar month. If you would like to continue to use our health plan through COBRA, please fill out the enclosed COBRA forms and return to HR within 60 days of the date your coverage is set to end.
Also, please keep in mind that you have signed [[Any Agreements the Employee has Signed, Such as Non-Disclosure or Non-Compete]]. For your reference, we have enclosed a copy.
We have also enclosed an exit interview form. Please fill it out to provide us with feedback about your time and experience with [[Company Name]]. We would be happy to meet with you at [[Time]] today to discuss your thoughts.
If you have questions about this letter or your termination, please contact [[Name and Contact Information for HR Manager or Other Responsible Party]].
We wish you well in your future career. If you would like, I would be happy to provide you with a reference letter to help you as you search for a new job.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
the best candidates faster