Interview Schedule Email
Template 1
Subject: Invitation to interview – [[Company Name]] / Interview with [[Company Name]] for the [[Job Title]] position
Hi [[Candidate Name]] / Dear [[Candidate Name]],
the best candidates faster

Thank you for applying to [[Company Name]].
Your application for the [[Job Title]] position stood out to us and we would like to invite you for an interview at our office to get to know you a bit better.
You will meet with the [[Department Name]] department manager [[optional – Manager Name]]. The interview will last about [X] minutes and you’ll have the chance to discuss the [[Job Title]] position and learn more about our company. [[If applicable: Insert information about what the candidate might need to bring with them e.g. ID to pass from the security/reception, resume or portfolio.]]
Would you be available on [[Date and Time – or, Range of Dates/Times]]?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
All the best / Kind regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 2
Subject: Interview with [[Company Name]] for [[Job Title]] position
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thanks for your application to [[Company Name]]. We were impressed by your background and would like to invite you to interview [[at Our Office / via Skype / via Phone]] to tell you more about the position and get to know you better. [[Details about the interview, including anything specific you would like candidates to know about.]]
Please let me know which of the following times work for you, and I can send over a confirmation and details:
[[Day, Time 1]]
[[Day, Time 2]]
[[Day, Time 3]]
Looking forward to meeting you,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 3
Subject: [[Company Name]]: Invitation to Interview
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for your application to the [[Job Title]] role at [[Company Name]].
We would like to invite you to interview for the role with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]]. The interview will last [[Length of Interview]] in total.
Please reply to this email directly with your availability during the following date and time options:
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
We look forward to speaking with you.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 4
Subject: Invitation to interview with [[Company Name]] for the [[Job Title]] position
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you once again for applying to [[Company Name]] for [[Job Title]] position.
After reviewing your application, we have decided to select you for the next round. I am thrilled to invite you for a job interview [[at Our Office / via Phone / via Skype]] so that we can get to know you better.
One of the interviewers will also be our [[Position, Name]], and the interview should not take longer than [[X minutes]].
The goal of this interview is for us to get to know you better, and for you to ask any questions you may have. We want to make sure that you goals and ambitions match our company’s culture and the position.
Here are a few day and time interview options:
[[Monday, date, time]]
[[Tuesday, date, time]]
[[Wednesday, date, time]]
[[Thursday, date, time]]
[[Friday, date, time]]
Please let me know which option works for you. If you are not available in any of them, please suggest a different time, and I will give my best to adjust.
Looking forward to hear back from you soon,
Kind regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 5
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for applying to the [[Job Title]] position at [[Company Name]].
After reviewing your application, we are excited to move forward with the interview process.
We would like to schedule a [[Length of Interview]] phone call with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]] at [[Company Name]].
Below are some date and time options:
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
Please reply directly to this email and let me know if you are available at any of the above times. From there, I’ll coordinate with [[Interviewer Name]] and send you an email with a calendar invitation to confirm the date and time.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 6
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thanks for applying to [[Company Name]].
We reviewed your qualifications for the [[Job Title]] position and we wish to extend an invitation for an in-person interview at our [[City]] office.
You will be meeting with [[Interviewer Name]], our [[Interviewer Job Title]], as well as two members of the [[Department]] team. The interview should last approximately [[X]] hour and we’ll be using the time to further discuss your background, details about the accountant position, and information about our company.
Let me know what interview time works best for you at the following link: [[Link to Candidate Self-Scheduling]]
I look forward to hearing from you!
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 7
Subject: Interview with [[Company Name]] for [[Job Title]] position
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thanks for your application to [[Company Name]]. We were impressed by your background and would like to invite you to interview [[at Our Office / via Skype / via Phone]] to tell you a little more about the position and get to know you better. [[Details about the Interview, Including Anything Specific You Would like Candidates to know about.]]
Please let me know which of the following times work for you, and I can send over a confirmation and details:
[[Day, Time 1]]
[[Day, Time 2]]
[[Day, Time 3]]
Looking forward to meeting you,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 8
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you so much for your application to the [[Job Title]] position at [[Company Name]]!
I reviewed your application and would love to set up a phone interview to learn more about your background and experience. We can also discuss the position in more detail, especially the tasks.
Here are a few times when I’m free to talk. Do these work for you?
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]
Template 9
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for submitting your application to [[Company Name]]. We were impressed by your resume and we would like to invite you to an interview [[at Our Office / via Telephone]] on [[Date]]. The interview will be conducted by [[Manager/Supervisor Name]]. Please let us know in your response which of the following times would suit your schedule:
[[Day, Time 1]]
[[Day, Time 2]]
[[Day, Time 3]]
[[Day, Time 4]]
In addition, please bring a copy of your resume and your [[Driver’s License, References, etc.]] to the interview.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting with you.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 10
Subject: Invitation to Interview
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
As a result of your application for the position of [[Job Title]], I would like to invite you to attend an interview on [[Date and Time]] at our office in [[City]].
You will have an interview with the department manager, [[Manager Name]]. The interview will last about [[X]] minutes. Please bring a list of [[e.g., Three]] references as well as a copy of your driver’s license to the interview.
If the date or time of the interview is inconvenient, please contact me by phone [[Phone Number]] or email [[Email Address]] to arrange another appointment. We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
the best candidates faster