Second Interview Invitation Email
Template 1
Subject: Confirmation for second interview – [[Company Name]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
the best candidates faster

Just a quick confirmation for your interview for the [[Job Title]] position.
This meeting is a good chance to [[e.g. Discuss Your Assignment]] and get to know you a bit better.
Below are the details of your interview:
When: [[Date and Time]] – the estimated duration is [[e.g. 30]] minutes
Where: [[Full Address and Link with the Specific Location and/or Directions]]
Who: [[Interviewer Name and Job Title]]
Keep in mind that you’ll need your ID, as the security guard will ask for it at the front desk. If you plan to drive, there is a parking lot next to our office you may use.
Feel free to contact me via email or at [[Phone Number]], if you have any questions.
I look forward to meeting with you and discussing this job opportunity at [[Company Name]].
See you soon,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 2
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [[Job Title]] position with us. We’d like to invite you for a second round of interviews at our office.
You’ll be meeting with:
[[Name]], [[Role]] [[Length of Interview]]
[[Name]], [[Role]] [[Length of Interview]]
The goal is to [[Purpose of Interview, e.g. discuss an assignment or delve deeper into job duties, etc.)]].
Are you available on [[Date]] at [[Time]] at [[Place]]? If not, please let me know other dates or times that work.
The team looks forward to learning more about you. Thanks again for your time.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 3
Subject: [[Company Name]]: Invitation for Second Interview
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to speak with [[Interviewer Name]] about the [[Job Title]] position at [[Company Name]].
We’re quite impressed by you and are eager to continue the conversation! We’d like to schedule a second interview with you during one of the following time options:
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
[[Day, Date – Time, Time Zone]]
You will be speaking with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]], and the interview should last no more than [[Length of Interview]].
Please let me know which time works best for you. I will send a calendar invitation to confirm once we have selected a date and time.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 4
Subject: Invitation to second interview at [[Company Name]] / Invitation to second interview with [[Company Name]] for the [[Job Title]] position
Hi [[Candidate Name]] / Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about the [[Job Title]] position. We enjoyed getting to know you and we’d like to invite you for a second interview at our office.
Your interview will be with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]] and will last approximately [[X]] minutes. [[if applicable: mention what the purpose of the interview is, e.g. to complete a test or discuss a given assignment.]]
Would you be available on [[Date and Time/Range of Dates/Times]]? Please let me know if another date or time would work best for you.
Looking forward to meeting you again,
All the best / Kind regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 5
Subject: You are invited to second interview at [[Company Name]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
I am reaching back to you happy to inform you that you have been selected for the second interview for [[Job Title]] position.
After the first interview, we got the chance to know you better, and understand your characteristics, goals and ambitious.
We would like to meet with you one more time in order to make sure that this role would be a good fit for you.
In case that you accept this invitation, you will meet with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]]. The interview will take up to [[Length of Interview]].
Here are a few day and time options I have available:
[[Monday, Date, Time]]
[[Tuesday, Date, Time]]
[[Wednesday, Date, Time]]
[[Thursday, Date, Time]]
[[Friday, Date, Time]]
If none of these options work for you, please let me know and I will give my best to adjust.
We can’t wait to meet with you again,
Kind regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 6
Subject: Invitation to second interview with [[Company Name]] for the open [[Job Title]] position.
Dear [[Candidate Name]]/Hi [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to discuss the [[Job Title]] role with us at your interview on [[Date of First Interview]]. We enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about your skills. [[Personalize this with information from the first interview, e.g. Especially impressive was your time spent working for Google and the projects you participated in while working there.]] We would like to invite you back for a second interview.
This interview would be with [[Interviewer Name]], our [[Interviewer Job Title]]. [[Briefly discuss the purpose of the second interview, e.g. We’d like you to take a short test, then we will be going over your score.]] We expect the whole interview to take [[Length of Time, e.g. 30 Minutes]].
Are you available to come into our office at [[Address]] on [[Date and Time]], or between [[Range of Dates or Times]]? Let me know if another date or time would work better for you.
Please remember to bring your ID to this interview. When you arrive you’ll need to show it at the reception desk.
Looking forward to seeing you again,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 7
Subject: We’d like to invite you to a second interview at [[Company Name]]
Hi [[Candidate Name]],
We enjoyed talking with you during our interview for the [[Job Title]] position. We’d like to invite you for a second interview at our office.
Your interview will be with [[Interviewer Name]], [[Interviewer Job Title]] and will last approximately [[X]] minutes. [[if applicable: mention what the purpose of the interview is, e.g. to complete a test or discuss a given assignment.]]
Please feel free to choose the best time for you here. [[Scheduling Link]]
I look forward to seeing you again!
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 8
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to meet us and discuss the position of [[Job Title]].
We were very pleased to get to know you better and think you would be a good fit for our company. We would therefore like to invite you to a second interview where you will be able to meet [[Interviewers, e.g. the CEO]] and any other remaining questions can be answered.
If you also believe you would fit in well at our company, we look forward to hearing from you and to arranging a time and date that suits us both.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 9
Subject: [[Subject Line]]
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us to discuss your interest in, and qualifications for, the position of [[Job Title]] at the [[Company Name]]. We were all pleased to meet you and learn more about your professional experience and capabilities.
We are happy to inform you that you passed the first round of interviews and we would like to invite you for a second job interview. The interview is scheduled for [[Date]] at [[Time]] in our premises. At your arrival, receptionist will escort you to the meeting room.
The interview should last up to [[Length of Interview]].
Please let me know if proposed time suits your schedule.
We look forward to meeting with you again.
Best regards,
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
Template 10
Subject: Invitation to a Second Interview
Dear [[Candidate Name]],
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us to discuss your interest in, and qualifications for, the position of [[Job Title]] at [[Company Name]].
We are pleased to inform you that you passed the first round of interviews, and we would like to invite you to return to the office for a second interview. The interview should last approximately [[Length of Interview]]. Please let me know what days and times you are available for the next [[Number]] weeks.
We look forward to meeting with you again.
[[Your Name]]
[[Your Job Title]]
[[Email Signature and Contact Information]]
the best candidates faster