How to Interview Someone for a Job
As an interviewer, you hold a pretty big responsibility for your company. Looking for great employees can be a very difficult task for anyone, as it requires an incredible amount of resources.
Interviews are, of course, a huge part of the hiring process, and it usually represents the moment the candidate and a representative from the company determine if they want to collaborate or not.
Because an interview will usually be held for a pretty short period of time, it is important that you, as an interviewer, are well prepared and can use that time wisely and efficiently.
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Once you write and post your job online, people will start to apply and, as they do that, you should start preparing yourself. Here is how you can ensure that you do a good job interviewing someone:
Be well informed about the candidate
Maybe one of the most important elements of conducting an interview is that you are well informed about the person that you talk to.
First of all, not knowing anything about the person sitting in front of you will make you feel nervous and, on top of that, it will probably make both yourself and the company look unprofessional.
Before the interview, make sure you take some time to carefully study the information about the candidate. Read every piece of information they provide, try to remember the key parts, and set yourself some starting points for the conversation. If there’s something that you find weird or do not understand, ask and clear everything out.
Prepare all the questions beforehand
Again, preparation is the one of the key elements to a successful interview. It really helps if you take a few minutes to prepare the main interview questions that you want to ask, and have the conversation go from there.
This way, by the end of the interview, you will be sure that you’ve managed to cover the main aspects and did not leave anything out.
Having a well-structured plan for the interview will not only be time efficient, but will also help you find out all you needed to know about this person.
Try to not drift too far away from the important topics
It is very easy that, if you find a candidate that seems to have similar interests as you, you end up talking about different topics and leave out the important information that should actually be discussed during the interview. This can happen especially if you’re a sociable person.
So, if you feel like the conversation started to drift away from the topics of interest, kindly and politely try to go back and switch the direction back to your initial plan.
Be sure you are on the same page
When a candidate reaches the point of getting to meet you, that probably means that they seem like a good fit for your company. This is the time to make sure that this is, indeed, the situation. You can be straight forward and tell them all about the requirements they should meet, exactly what you need.
This way, you can make sure you’re both on the same page, instead of investing too much time, to later find out that you had different ideas in mind. It would be a shame to hire someone and after a couple of months, to regret that you haven’t taken the opportunity to ask what needed to be asked in the interview phase. This is a great occasion to also talk about salary expectations.
Make sure that you present exactly what your company is looking for and ensure that the candidate is willing to offer that. Moreover, ask about their expectations and think about whether you are able to provide that or not.
Of course, you are conducting this interview to find a great person to fit in and to meet all the needed requirements. However, it is very important that this process goes both ways. The candidate should, as well, try to figure out if the job is what they are looking for.
This is why it is usually recommended that both parties get to list their expectations and the discussions should always revolve around that.
Actively listen to the candidate
A good interviewer will actively listen to the person sitting in front of them. Try to not just talk, but also listen. Even though you will be conducting the interview and taking the lead, it is more that recommended to also listen to the potential employee and mentally note as many things as you can, that make this person stand out from the other candidates.
Also, while listening, try to notice their body language. Usually, this way of communication tells us a lot about the person we talk to, and it can even unravel some of their soft skills.
Set enough time for the interview
The timeframe dedicated to the interview is something people usually don’t think about, but it’s a very important element.
Setting the right interval of time for the interview can crucial to your final decision. If you set an interview and only dedicate 10 minutes to it, don’t expect too much coming out of that interview. It is recommended that you take at least 30-35 minutes to talk to that person.
Having enough time will also make things more relaxed, as opposed to rushing to squeeze all of the important questions in, which might be stressful for both the interviewer and the candidate.
This is unless, of course, you realize right from the start that things are not going to work.
If you take your time to take care that all of the above-mentioned issues are covered, you will for sure have a great interview that will lead you to finding the best employee.
Author Bio
Emily Harrinson is one of the most influential editors of a big company in London. She has been working in this company since 2006. Her hobby is reading books.
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